Monday, April 22, 2013

Barrington Living History Farm

The Barrington Living History Farm is located in Washington County, Washington-on-the-Brazos State Park.  The farm features a view of mid-19th century living and includes acres of farm land, live animals, a home which was occupied by the last President of Texas, Anson Jones, a separate kitchen, barn, and two slave quarters.
A view of horses and oxen used to plow the fields for harvesting cotton

A close-up view of the harnessed oxen used to plow the fields
The "Beasts of Burden" re-enactment featured a live display of the hard work endured by the animals and farm owners to harvest cotton.  All characters were dressed appropriate to their times.

The exterior of the fireplace in one of the slave quarters
The fireplace and cabin used mud, the cement of their times as insulation.

An exterior view of the slave quarters
This cabin is extremely small in comparison to the dwelling of the farm owners.

An interior view of the "nicer" slave quarter.
This quarter included a larger fireplace and what appeared to be more comfortable beds.  When looking around the farm, you could understand why the slaves didn't run away.  Where would they have gone?  There was so much land to cover in order to get off the property that surrounded the farm.

Hogs located near the slave quarters

The Barrington Farm House
On the porch, the women are removing seeds from cotton.  The interior consisted of their bedrooms, the dining room, and what appeared to be a living room.

The exit of the Barrington Farm House
Featured here is a lovely patch of blue-bonnets, the Texas state flower.

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